SER Terms and Conditions - MTB Tours
Sydney EBike Rentals = SER RENTAL AGREEMENT.
The rent is payable up front for casual rental.
The rent is payable daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly in advance, from the date that the Renter takes possession of the Bike until the Bike is returned to the Owner, as set out in this agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing.
1. Security Deposit :The Renter hereby agrees to pay SER a security deposit that varies from $250 to $1000 depending on the model of bike.The Deposit is payable by the Renter on taking possession of the Bike and will be retained by SER as security for the Bike and accompanying lock, lights, charger a helmet, and phone holder.
In the event of loss or damage to the Bike (including the eBike, battery, lock, lights and any spare battery) or outstanding Fees for which the Renter is liable, Sydney Ebike Rentals will (on giving written notice to the Renter), apply the Deposit (or part thereof) to the cost of necessary repairs or replacement or satisfaction of outstanding debts.
In the absence of damage or outstanding fees, the Deposit will be refunded to the Renter in full within 5 Business Days of the return of the Bike, as set out in this Agreement.
Responsibility for Loss and Damage: The Renter hereby acknowledges that they are liable for: a. the loss of, and all damage to, the Bike during the Rental Period (excluding fair wear and tear); and if the Bike is damaged, the Renter is liable to pay the Owner the amount required to return the Bike to the condition in which it was rented, up to the retail price of the bike.
I warrant to the Owner the following.
I am reasonably fit and healthy, such that I can ride the Bike for the purpose which I intend to use it for, which may include personal use or commercial use, such as delivery services; ● I am a proficient cyclist and am confident I can ride the Bike for such purpose, including in variable traffic and weather conditions and I have completed a road safety test at the delivery company I work for ● As far as I am aware, I do not suffer from any physical or mental condition (such as colour-blindness, other vision impairment, balance impairment, epilepsy or cardio-respiratory condition) which may impact on my ability to safely control the Bike, including in variable traffic and weather conditions.
Mountain biking is an inherently dangerous activity. On a tour you will be exposed to risks including but not limited to; steep trails, avoidable and unavoidable obstacles, trail verge dangers and changing trail and weather conditions. Even with all possible risk controls and protective equipment, the risk of severe injury or death remains. All riders must be aware of these risks and acknowledge the potential risk of harm or death. Riders are responsible for ensuring that they have the physical capacity to complete the activity. Personal insurance cover is not included. We recommend you take out personal insurance cover prior to the hire period.
I have read and understood the Sydney EBike Rental Agreement and Sydney EBike Guide, and agree to comply with all my obligations under same, including the following: ● I will wear an Australian Standard-compliant helmet (AS/NZS 2063:2008 or as updated from time to time) at all times whilst riding the Bike (unless I hold a valid exemption under local law); and ● I will satisfy myself on each occasion before commencing a ride that the Bike is roadworthy (including front and back lights if I intend on riding after sunset); ● I will not operate the Bike in a negligent manager, or in violation of any laws. I acknowledge that the purpose of this Warranty and Waiver is to help ensure my personal safety and the safety of other road users when I am using the Bike under the agreement between me and the Owner.
. Representative SER Name: SYDNEY EBIKE RENTAL BSB: 012030 Account Number: 472660373 ABN: 21 634 832 090.